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Why become a patron?

Although the Arctic Riverside website is created only for my passion of flyfishing and flytying, it does require a certain amount of equipment in order to make content of a desired quality; for instance, a better computer, and a few softwares would make a significant difference, and also make me able to start making videos on the topic of flytying. 

I could buy this stuff myself, but any financial help would be an addition to what I have of resources to spend on this kind of equipment; after all, it's not cheap!


There are not any expectations on my behalf to make any financial gain from this website, but if you are fancying the content of this site, and want to see more, and better content in the future, then why don't support me? Even if you were to donate only one dollar a month it would make a difference in the long run. 

It will not be any perks to become a patron as of right now. However, if there should for some reason become a certain amount of support for this site, there is a good chance there will be some VIP stuff for patrons in the future, for example contests or give-aways ect...


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